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My name is Whitney Roehl. I’m a grateful wife to an amazing man and a “Bonus Mom” to a beautiful 11 year old girl. My life today looks very different than it did five years ago, in so many incredible ways. In this blog, I will share how being alcohol-free has played a major role in who I am today. How I practice resting in Jesus through His grace to find my strength and peace. I will also share how I deal with the different roles God has placed me in with out allowing overwhelm consume me. How I lean into Jesus instead of trying to run or avoid.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I do not believe I have all the “right” answers or that my way is the “right” way. I’ve learned many very painful lessons in life due to my self-seeking choices- as we all do to some degree. The most valuable lesson I’ve learned in through it all is to rest in our Lord, to trust Him with it all, and to go to Him daily. Leaning into Jesus long enough to hear Him is the only reason I have been able to be free from the things that used to control me, have power of my attention, and used to steal my joy.

Today, I have peace and joy like I’ve never experienced. Do I have bad days? Absolutely! Do I still wonder where God is in the midst of the day-to-day struggles? Of course! What has made the difference in my life, is each day I choose to seek Him first.

For years and years, I believed the solutions this world has to offer, like alcohol, was my only solution in life. It kept me hiding, numb and seeking pleasure over receiving Gods grace and abundance. I hope these posts give you inspiration, hope, and encouragement. Thanks for reading this.

With love,


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