3 Ways I Lost and Kept 30lbs Off

Like a lot of women, I have struggled with my weight most of my life but it really started in college. Although, I’ve always been active in sports and different types of exercise, it’s still been a continuous battle. To my surprise, it was never a lack of calories I burned but the habit of … Continue reading 3 Ways I Lost and Kept 30lbs Off

The Promises Pay Off While Surrounded by Alcohol

How often do you walk into a retail store, just browsing, a salesperson approaches you, “you should see our newest product, it’s lovely”, you instantly shrug them off, “no thanks, just looking”? Personally, I really dislike being sold to. My thought is, if I want to buy something, I’ll ask YOU. I assume you are … Continue reading The Promises Pay Off While Surrounded by Alcohol

3 Ways Alcohol Deceived Me

Life is a beautiful journey full of ironies. As a child growing up my father was an active alcoholic, honorable Vietnam Veteran, who loved his family very much but suffered severely from PTSD. It caused a lot of harm, destruction, and chaos in our household until I was thirteen years old when he stopped cold … Continue reading 3 Ways Alcohol Deceived Me